We've been to doctor after doctor all over this country, and unfortunately there isn't really any simple fix to her pain. But, it seems God has opened up one more door for her to try. In July Sarah and my mother will be traveling down to a medical clinic in Mexico called Sanoviv where they offer therapy treatments that are different and more intense than any she has experienced before. This clinic, through the power of God, literally saved the life of a dear friend of mine. So we are stepping out in faith that God is leading her to go there and also that God will provide what it takes to get there.
To be completely honest, this past year was rough as I personally wrestled with God over why He wouldn't just heal her. He's God, right? I mean, he could take away all of her pain in an instant. He could end those nights where we are hugging in the kitchen crying, but trying to speak truth to each other that God is still good and that He is still faithful. He could. But there is a reason I'm not God and He is. There is a reason I don't understand and maybe never really will until I see him face to face in heaven, jump into his arms for a hug, and then finally can say, "That's why." It makes me think of that Bible verse that says, "For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known." Its 1 Corinthians 13:12, and those verses are a beautiful truth to rest in when I simply don't understand.
This Friday evening, June 17th, my family, friends, and I are having a night of prayer and praise and worship as we ask for God's blessing and guidance as we send her down to Mexico in a month. The event is from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at Grace Bible Church in Adell, and it is a come and go as you please type of deal. We would love to see you there, even if you have never met her. We all worship the same God, and no matter what our circumstances, there is reason to praise him. We also humbly ask for your support as she embarks on this new adventure of sorts. Medical costs are anything but cheap, but its all worth it when you think of the people its for - people made in the image of God with immeasurable value. So I humbly ask for your support if you feel called to give to send her to this clinic. There is a link on the right side of the blog where you can donate any amount that you feel called to give. When you click on the link, you will be giving through Psalms 82:3 ministries, so don't be confused when that page comes up. All donations given through this site are tax deductible. A good friend of mine was so kind as to set that all up for us.
If you do not think you can financially support us in this mission, would you consider praying for us? God's got this. The whole situation. He provides, and He is faithful. And most of all, he hears when we call on him whether that's through the prayers of a child, rejoicing through singing, or barely making out the words through sobs. He's got this, and I'm reminded that He loves Sarah so much more than I ever could, which must be a lot because I'm not sure I love anyone so much as her. Thank you so much for listening to our story. May my Jesus bless you for your kindness and support.
This quote is on a note card taped to the sun visor in Sarah's car. The world needs more people like my little sister.
"If God sends us on strong paths, we are provided strong shoes." - Corrie ten Boom
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